Trek 2009

The Manifold Inn

Naty and Doms

Naty and Doms still playing

Gabs joins in

The Ainslie Gang

And again

Gabs takes a picture


A pensive Jordan

A smiling Elaine

A nonchalant Naty

A mischievous Dominik

Naty attacks

Mum looks on

Elaine and Jordan

A grown up

Mum looks after Gabs



The Peak District

Our transport

Lovely scenery

A road

On the way to the Devils Arse

Seriously, that's what it's called


It's up there


Elaine and Gabriella

Phil in role play?

The gathering

It's a Camera Phil

What are we supposed to be doing?

Naty doesn't want to join in

Some have got the message

That's better

Once more for luck

And with a better background

And again for luck

Elaine and Els chat

The chat continues

The Landy was used as a camera tripod

Chris, Kath and Phil

Gail and Aly

Pat's tired out

Jenny's smiling at something

Chris and Kath

They've spotted me

Now they're planning something

Group hug

Gabriella wants to get going

but Mum is still chatting to Els

It must be juicy


On our way in Cumbria

I should stitch these together

Must do it

If you're tired, count the sheep

A road

A view from the road

The Landy

Driving down a road

an again

More views

even more

Parked at the Hartside Pass Cafe

The Gang


and again

Some bikes, there were about a hundred when we went in

Maybe it wasn't just us driving them away

Central Arcade Newcastle

Resevoir clogs?

Nice isn't it

Beautiful isn't she

Our hotel

With a nice light

Only fools and horses springs to mind

Outside the Life centre

like some sort of dance thing going on

Big and modern

Running from the Dinosaurs

There's Mum

together at last

Approaching the Central Station

Church opposite station - I should know the name...

A familiar view

Underneath the canopy

To our hotel

View from the hotel

How did they let us in ;o)

Grand entrance

the suspects

The Keep as if it needs introduction

Where my Dad worked (before it became a hotel)


Jordan keeps an eye out